News from the Cafeteria


Welcome back from the Riverview Cafeteria,


We are excited to welcome you back to another school year.  The beginning of the school year is a great time for the cafeteria: we will have fresh farm to school products, as well as the Riverview garden produce to start the school year. We are going to have a name the school café contest, the students will get to vote for one of the three following names, The Eagles Nest, The Soaring Eagle or the Purple Eagle.  The name with the most votes will become the new name for the cafeteria.


We have some changes to the costs of school meals; breakfast is $1.50, lunch is $2.75 and adults breakfast is $2.00 and lunch $4.50 this year.  Please help us by keep your students account prepaid.  You can do this by paying online through the IC Campus Parent Portal account using a credit or debit card, or provide cash or check at the school. The Durango School District 9-R recognizes that it is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to provide breakfast and lunch for their children.  Please see the District meal charge policy in the meal calendar in order to understand the process that we have to follow.  We also understand that unforeseen circumstances do arise which make it difficult to pay for school meals. Under these circumstance, please call the Riverview cafeteria manager Janice Coleman at 247-3862 EX 3268 or Joe Pecorino Assistant Principal to make alternative arrangements.


Too many children start their school day off on an empty stomach.  We are invested in providing a nutritious choices including fruits, whole grains, lean protein and low fat milk.  The school cafeteria offers two choices for breakfast each day from 7:30 AM to 7:50 AM that the student eats in the cafeteria and we also offer a Grad & Go breakfast that students can get after breakfast.  This is usually a pre-prepared item that they can take with them to recess or the classroom.  We stop serving the Grab & Go breakfast at 10:15 AM so we can finish preparing lunch.


Here are some important dates coming to your school cafeteria this year:

October 15-19, 2018 is National School Lunch Week

November 15th will be Riverview Thanksgiving lunch


We hope to see you and your family stop by and enjoy one of our wonderful meal with your student.


Your Riverview Cafeteria staff

Janice Coleman, Cafeteria Manager, and Lisa Vasquez, & Corine Pedersen