Positive Behavior Instruction and Support

PBIS Mission/Vision


The RVE PBIS mission is to foster and promote a safe and positive school environment, with necessary behavioral supports and positive social culture, to enhance student learning through teaching and recognizing positive behavior while building positive relationships with every student.

2018/2019 PBIS Team Members:

Teacher Leads: Corey Rosen
​Pre-K - Sarah Lemke
K - Megan Wallace
​1 - Casey Herman
​2- Megan Beagles
​3- Heidi Ragsdale
​4- Dante Baken
​5- Lisa Clancy
​Specials - Shannon Fontenot
​Counselor - Lesley Ogburn
​LSS- Terez Neel
ESP - Joslyn Wyatt
​Parent - TBD
​Admin - Joe Pecorino

3 Levels of PBIS Instruction

1) Universal/Tier 1

The universal level of PBIS is the foundational system for teaching and responding to behavior. 100% of students receive supports at this level, and 80-85% of students will solely need this level of support to meet behavior expectations. Schoolwide systems of behavior for key locations (hallways, cafeteria, busses, playground) are made clear, and systems of recognition are created to build and foster a schoolwide culture of positivity that permeates our entire school. The universal level of PBIS includes our behavior matrix and instruction, homeroom daily meetings, grade level weekly meetings, and monthly school-wide assemblies. Counselor and the Student Support Specialist will also provide and support monthly themes around social emotional skills. These skills will be referred to and reinforced throughout each month. The Second Step program will be our main support for thematic lessons that are delivered in each classroom up to 2 times per week.

Behavior Matrix/Eagle Expectations: Respectful, Responsible, and Safe Citizen. We teach these expectations throughout the year and make them visible to students throughout the building.

Positive Incentives: Staff members “catch” students meeting expectations and recognize them with a “golden gotcha.” Golden Gotchas can then be collected and turned into a teacher for a classroom based incentive, or turned into the office for a school based incentive. Incentives vary, and can be anything from turning in a ticket for a pencil, to collecting up to ten tickets and turning them in for a chance to duct tape the principal to the wall, wear pajamas, be an office aide, etc. Teachers have the opportunity to create their own classroom systems that work for them and their class while also supporting the school wide expectations. Staff members strive for a ratio of 5 positive comments/conversations with students for every 1 negative/redirecting comment. Student leadership will also play a role in the development of PBIS incentives, as well as assemblies (See below)

Assemblies/Meetings: RVE, as a means to build a positive school wide culture, will use various types of assemblies. The purpose of these assemblies are to extend our positive classroom cultures into a positive school culture that leads to a healthy atmosphere in our more difficult areas (cafeteria and playground). These assemblies are set up such that there is a “meeting” on a daily basis. Meeting times will vary. Schoolwide assemblies will be between 15-30 minutes. Assembly support will be provided by our counselor, student support specialist, and administration.
Daily Meeting: Occurs at the best time as decided by each homeroom. The focus of these meetings is to build a positive culture of listening, empathy, and support. Students will practice listening and speaking skills.

Weekly Grade Level Meeting: This meeting occurs as scheduled by each grade level team in coordination with our counselor and student support specialist. The purpose of this meeting is to extend the culture built in each classroom. Topics include: awards and recognition, announcements, team building activities, and student and staff birthday announcements.

Monthly Assembly: This assembly is a further continuation and building of positive culture. Monthly assemblies will focus on the monthly social emotional learning theme/skill. There will be recognitions/awards, and role playing. These assemblies will be run by the PBIS team, student leadership, and grade level teachers.

Behavior Responses: As expected, students will make mistakes. Sometime, a simple redirect is all that is needed to get a student meeting expectations, other times, a more specific and timely response is needed. Riverview uses a progressive discipline model (see attached documents) to determine the appropriate response to behaviors. Whenever possible, and as our PBIS system takes root, we will look to use restorative practices instead of punitive consequences. Our goal is to discover and address the root cause of the behavior in order to support that student in learning how to meet expectations. Our initial response is always to address the positive behavior through recognition, but also to reteach expectations when students are having difficulty. Sometimes, however, consequences will be required when a behavior is creating a safety concern, or a student and family is not responding to attempts at restoration. “Major” behaviors, as required by law and school board policy, will be documented in our student information system.
NOTE1: Students may sometimes be asked to sit out recess because of their behavior. Students missing recess will no longer sit in the office, they will go outside and sit or stand by the wall as assigned by the recess supervisor. They may be assigned restorative work during that time (writing, cleanup, etc). Students will not be held from recess nor specials to complete missing work. We will first identify the root cause of task completion issues before moving to a punitive response. This will be done in consult with student support specialists, learning support specialist, school psych, school social worker, and school counselor. Alternatives to missing recess and specials are in development as we move towards restorative practices.

NOTE2: IEP students who present behavior challenges should be addressed as per their IEP/Behavior plan (a tier 3/intensive intervention) in consultation with the Learning Support Specialist, School Psychologist, and School Social Worker.

DATA review: An essential piece of an effective PBIS system is a continuous use of data in making decisions. SWISSuite is the computer program used to track behavior data. This data is reviewed on a monthly basis by the PBIS team. The data will drive decision making processes. For example, Data shows that our most difficult areas for our students to make healthy choices are the cafeteria and playground. As a result of this trend, RVE will add additional staff to our supervision schedule, and learning support staff, counselor, and the student support specialist will all be on the playground working with students as they apply their skills they are learning. These adults will be on the playground in support of the recess supervisor. Our goal is to have one adult at recess for every 35 students, with counselor, SSS (Student Support Specialist), and LSS (Learning Support Specialist) working and playing with students.

2) Targeted/Tier 2

Sometimes our universal program is not enough to support a student in the learning of appropriate behavior. This is the case with around 15-20% of students. Our targeted interventions are designed for small groups, and might occur both in and out of the classroom. They might be delivered by a homeroom teacher, administrator, SSS, counselor, or LSS. These interventions are designed around specific skills, and should last 6-8 weeks. Our new student support room (information coming soon) will be used as a targeted intervention to support students and ensure their readiness to learn.

3) Intensive/Tier 3 - Intensive interventions are needed for 1-5% of our population. These interventions are often individualized, and may occur on or off campus. Riverview often utilizes our counselor, district behavior staff, and community partners to provide these kinds of supports to students. Behavior plans, individual counseling, IEP’s, 504’s etc are all types of intensive interventions.

***Communication will be paramount to ensure all staff members are clear with the plan/intervention for relevant students.

3) White Slip/Behavior Referral

​This system is technically outside of the PBIS system, but pertains to behavior, particularly detrimental behavior that needs to be addressed.

​Riverview categories behavior in two ways: major and minor. Major referrals are those that are brought to the principal or assistant principal. White Slips are our internal method of documenting the events of a situation. The staff member that witnesses the behavior will complete the white slip. If it is a major referral, the staff member will notify school administration prior to completing the white slip. New for 18-19, once the white slip has been completed and received by administration, administration will provide a copy to families so that parents can see what is being documented. The white slip itself is not a behavior response. Riverview uses a clear behavior response system to determine appropriate responses to behavior.