February 2018 Letter to our Parents

 o    Please be reminded that ‘grades’ are represented on a 5 point scale as has been the case the past few years. A ‘4’ represents that a student is meeting end of the year expectations, a ‘5’ represents exceeding expectations, while a 1,2, or 3 are steps toward meeting end of the year expectations. Keeping in mind that we are providing information against end of the year expectations, students with 3’s are generally on track to hit 4s or 5s at the end of the year.

o    Expect a report card shift in the 2018-19 school year to a 4 point scale, which will reflect our current Records of Learning.

o    As previously communicated, Riverview will not provide a 3rd quarter report card. Rather, teachers will meet with all parents via conferences to provide an in-person report of progress. This allows for a conversation that should encourage deeper understanding of your child’s progress than a simple report card. Conferences are scheduled for April 9th and 12th.

·  As always, Riverview recognizes our role in the social-emotional development of our students and the impact social-emotional learning has on academic learning. As we head into the second half of the school year, all K-2 teachers will use ‘Second Steps’ social-emotional curriculum to provide daily 10-15 minute lessons pertaining to social-emotional growth. Lesley Ogburn will also be joining each K-2 class once a week to provide follow-up learning directly tied to the daily lessons of the week. We will continue with our 3-5 model which has Karen Finch teaching to all homerooms each week. Homeroom teachers are participants in the lessons and follow-up across the week in their classrooms with the social-emotional skills students are developing through Ms. Finch’s lessons. Please refer to Ms. Finch’s web page for more information on what she is working on with students.

·  Our student behavior data is showing us that recess (particularly lunch recess) is a place and time during the day where students are experiencing lower levels of social-emotional success (ie...more social struggles). As such, we have adjusted some of our staffing patterns to increase supervision at recesses (particularly lunch recess). Additionally, we are working to provide additional training for staff that supervise recess.  We expect to see a decrease in behavioral issues as a result of the adjustments.

Finally, please take a few minutes to complete our mid-year parent mini-survey. We will share the results at our PTO meeting on March 14th (@ 5:30) and post results at our website. The fall survey results are available on our website.