March 1, 2021 Newsletter to Riverview Families

       As you know Spring Break will soon be upon us and many families will be out on some well deserved adventures. Please know that we encourage everyone to remain vigilant around keeping the virus at bay and following the 3 W’s as well as avoiding large groups. We want to avoid any more quarantining and instructional disruptions as Spring will allow us to move back into our outdoor instructional spaces much like we did in the Fall. Knowing this, there is a good possibility that we will be returning to a full 5 day week IF transmission rates stop the current upward trend and start to drop. This decision will be made in collaboration with the Return to Learn Task Force, San Juan Basin Health, and the various medical experts and stakeholders that are involved. Information will be communicated as it becomes available. Please have a safe and invigorating week.
       On another note, this month's Community News is focusing on our Middle of the Year data as well as what we have been doing to address student needs. Please pay particular attention to how you, as a family, can help infuse literacy skills into conversations and family activities. As partner’s in your student’s education, we want literacy to become a habit that is fostered and nourished at school and at home. Thanks for your help with this.  If you did not receive the email with the full Riverview Community News for March, please contact the office staff at 970-247-3862.
Sincerely, Lindsay Neiman and Duane Tucker