Dear Riverview Community,
We started our Spring Book Fair today! And, YAY!, a book fair without the crowds! Please use this link to find your way to the Riverview Spring Book Fair.
We are in the final stretch of the school year. In light of our remote learning environment we will be finishing up the year in a little bit of a different manner. Here is some important information for you all to have:
Teachers will provide students with the final week long learning plan on Wednesday, May 27th. This will run through Tuesday, June 2. All instructional supports will stay in place until June 2.
Report Cards - We will produce report cards and get those out to parents at the end of the year. On some areas of the report card it may be difficult for our staff to provide reasonably accurate assessment of End-Of-Year learning status. This is very individualized based on student access to remote learning and access to being able to return work. Areas in the report card in which this is the case will simply be marked with an ‘NA’ (Not Assessed) and have a corresponding comment from the teacher. In the fall, we will administer Beginning-Of-Year assessments and provide that update information to inform you on your child’s current learning levels as we enter the school year.
Returning Student Evidence of Learning (student work) - We do have a box out front of school on Thursdays from 3-7pm and Fridays 8-11am for students to return work if needed. Please put the work in a clearly marked envelope/bag of some sort with the teacher name on it.
Please be aware that we are not retaining students based on submission (or lack of) of remote learning work. If a conversation between you and the school has not already occurred regarding retention, then there will be no retention for your child.
Library Book returns - We will have a turn in box out front of school starting this Thursday and Friday during the same times listed above for book return.
Laptop return - we will get information out next week about how to return laptops at the end of the year. Expect a drop off of some sort the first week in June.
Student Personal Items - Our teachers are starting to return to the building in a staggered fashion to begin closing up the building for the summer. They will be bagging up student personal items. In a short time we will communicate how to pick-up your child’s belongings bag.
During any return or pick-up of materials/items, please observe social distancing expectations.
Here is a great article from National Geographic regarding supporting home learning. Stay well, keep learning, and keep finding time to relax and enjoy time together as families.