Dear Riverview Community,
Conferences: Teachers are beginning to schedule spring conferences. Our identified conference day is Monday, April 1st (the Monday after spring break which is a non school day). Teachers also have the flexibility to schedule conferences outside this day, either before or after break. Please look for communication from your child's homeroom teacher to set up a conference. For 5th grade parents, be aware that spring conferences occur as a ‘capstone’ activity for students in May. As always, no parent needs to wait for a ‘conference window’ to schedule a time to meet with a teacher to discuss your child’s progress.
Community Meeting: Wednesday, March 13 we are hosting our second ‘community meeting’ of the year. It is scheduled to start at 6:00pm. Our Counseling staff will do an introduction to restoarative practices, while focusing on children's brains, emotional regulation and problem solving so you can lean on their learning at home. Additionally, during the second part of the meeting, we will provide the results of our mid-year parent survey. We have had 103 respondents as of today. If you have not, please take 5-10 minutes to complete the survey so we have as large a parent voice as possible. We will also post the results on our website.
Snow Daze: What a February! I have been asked by many about ‘make-up days’. Our instructional schedule for the year is such that we were 4 days beyond state expectations; that means we are able to absorb 4 days before having to adjust our schedule. At this point we have had to cancel school on 4 days and are not looking to schedule any additional days. As well, thank you for the extra patience in the drop off and pick-up lanes. It is helpful to keep everyone’s days on the positive!